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A representation of Protein

Protein is an essential part of a dog's diet and plays a central role in their growth, health and well-being. However, despite its undisputed importance, there is a lot of debate and sometimes misunderstanding around protein content in a dog's diet. How much protein does a dog really need? And can too much of a good thing be harmful? In this article, we look at the role of protein in a dog's diet, examine its advantages and disadvantages and offer a guide to a balanced intake.

What is protein?

Proteins are large molecules made up of amino acids. They are essential for building and repairing body tissues and serve as enzymes, hormones and important components of the immune system. In the diet of dogs, proteins are crucial for the development of muscles, skin, coat and nails as well as for the maintenance of all vital functions.

Benefits: The positive power of protein

Supporting growth and repair

Proteins are the building blocks of the body and support the growth and repair of cells and tissues. A sufficient protein supply is particularly important for growing puppies, active dogs and older dogs that need to maintain their muscle mass.

Promoting skin and coat health

Protein plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of a dog's skin and coat. An adequate supply of high-quality protein can contribute to a shiny coat and healthy skin.

Strengthening the immune system

As a component of antibodies and other immune cells, protein helps to strengthen the immune system and protect the body against disease.

Disadvantages and risks: Possible challenges

Kidney stress in pre-existing conditions

There is concern that excessive protein intake could put a strain on the kidneys of dogs with pre-existing kidney disease. However, modern research shows that healthy dogs can process high amounts of protein without any problems.

Intolerances and allergies

Some dogs may develop intolerances or allergies to certain protein sources. In such cases, it is important to identify the protein source and remove it from the diet.

Quality and digestibility

Not all protein sources are created equal. The quality and digestibility of the protein are crucial to how effectively the dog's body can utilize the amino acids. Proteins of animal origin are generally of higher quality than vegetable proteins.


Protein is an essential nutrient in a dog's diet that supports numerous important functions. A balanced intake of high-quality protein is crucial for a dog's health and well-being. However, it is important to tailor the amount and source of protein to the dog's individual needs, especially for dogs with specific health conditions, intolerances or allergies. 

Learn even more about Protein

If you notice any signs of hypersensitivity or poisoning in your dog, you should see your vet immediately. We are not a substitute for a vet, but we try to be as accurate as possible. Every dog reacts differently and we recommend you get a second opinion or consult your vet if in doubt.

Stay healthy and take good care of your four-legged friend!😊

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