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Dog breeds

Original type dogs: The originals of our fur friends

Dogs have been with us humans for thousands of years - as loyal companions, work helpers and family members. But did you know that not all dog breeds are equally distant from their wild ancestors, the wolves? Some breeds are considered "primitive type dogs". These dogs retain many traits similar to their original ancestors and are true survivors. In this article, we take a deep dive into the world of these fascinating dogs.
A representation of Original type dogs: The originals of our fur friends

What are primitive type dogs?

Primitive-type dogs are breeds that have retained many of the genetic and external characteristics of their wild ancestors. They are among the oldest dog breeds in the world and are characterized by a robust nature, original behaviour and adaptability. They can often be recognized by their wolf-like appearance, upright ears and bushy tail, which is usually carried in a sickle or ring shape.

The Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI), the largest international umbrella organization for dog breeding, has defined Group 5 "Spitz and primitive type dogs" for such dogs. This group includes classic sled dogs such as the Siberian Husky as well as more original domestic dogs such as the Basenji or the Shiba Inu.

Typical characteristics of original type dogs

Primal type dogs are usually:

  • Independent and intelligent: they often have a strong will of their own and need clear, consistent leadership.
  • Vigilant: Many original types have a strong bond with their family and defend them courageously.
  • Primal in behavior: Their hunting instinct and natural caution are often more pronounced than in modern dog breeds.
  • Robust: These dogs are bred for a hard life in the wild or under extreme climatic conditions and are therefore physically robust.

Origin and history of the primitive type dogs

The history of these dogs goes back a long way - to the beginnings of domestication. It is believed that the first dogs emerged from the partnership between humans and wolves when wolves began to join human settlements. This probably gave them an advantage: they received food and protection while helping humans to hunt or warn them of enemies.

The primitive-type dogs we know today often originate from regions where the original lifestyles of humans and dogs hardly changed for a long time. In many parts of the world - from the deserts of Africa to the tundras of Siberia - these dogs have had little contact with modern breeding methods and have therefore remained true to their original form.

Examples of original type dogs

There are many fascinating dog breeds that belong to the original types. Here are some of the best known:

Basenji - The dog that doesn't bark

The Basenji is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world and originally comes from Central Africa. Probably its best-known characteristic: it does not bark, but makes a kind of "yodeling" sound, the so-called "barroo". The Basenji is independent, intelligent and has a remarkably short, low-maintenance coat.

Shiba Inu - Japan's national pride

The Shiba Inu is an ancient breed from Japan that was originally bred for hunting small game and birds. With its fox-like appearance, curled tail and self-confident character, the Shiba Inu is a real charmer.

Siberian Husky - The sled dog with team spirit

Huskies are the tireless draught animals of the Arctic. These enduring, social and intelligent dogs have adapted perfectly to the icy conditions of the north and work closely with their humans.

Thai Ridgeback - The rare one from South East Asia

The Thai Ridgeback is one of the few dog breeds with a "ridge", i.e. a strip of fur on the back that grows in the opposite direction. These dogs are loyal, vigilant and are valued as guard dogs in their homeland.

Canaan Dog - The guardian of the desert

Originally a wild dog from the Middle East, the Canaan Dog was later used as a guard and herding dog. It is robust, clever and has a strong protective instinct.

The challenges of keeping them

If you are interested in an original type dog, you should know that these dogs have special requirements when it comes to keeping and training them:

  • Patience and consistency: their primal nature often makes them independent and willful. Consistent but loving training is therefore essential.
  • Sufficient activity: Many original types are eager to work and need physical and mental challenges. Long walks, dog sports or nose work are ideal.
  • Socialization: As they can be cautious or even suspicious of strangers by nature, early and good socialization is important.
  • Exercise: Many of these dogs have a strong urge to move and need plenty of space and exercise to be happy.

Are primal type dogs the right dogs for you?

Primal type dogs are fascinating companions that impress with their originality and independence. But they are not suitable for everyone. If you want a dog that is easy to handle and easy to train, you are often better off with a modern breed. Primal type dogs challenge you - but that's exactly what makes them so special!


Primal type dogs are living witnesses to history. They carry the genes of our first dogs and remind us of the millennia-old partnership between humans and animals. With their original nature and adaptability, they are a fascinating part of the dog world.

Do you have an original type dog yourself or are you thinking of getting one? What fascinates you about these original dog breeds? Let us know your opinion or experiences in the comments - we'd love to hear them!