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Beware of the invisible obstacle: are electric fences dangerous for dogs on walks?

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When you go for a walk, you always discover new corners and paths that you and your dog can explore together. But in addition to the obvious dangers such as busy roads or poisonous plants, there is an invisible threat that is often overlooked: Electric fences. These can not only keep wild animals or livestock at bay, but can also pose a danger to your faithful four-legged friend. In this article, you will find out why electric fences can be problematic and how you can protect your dog on walks.

What are electric fences and what are they used for?

Electric fences, also known as pasture fences, are boundaries that emit electrical impulses to keep animals out of or in a particular area. They consist of conductive wires mounted on posts and are often connected to a power source. The electrical voltage can vary depending on the type of animal and the desired deterrent.

Electric fences are mainly used in agriculture to keep farm animals such as cows, sheep or horses in pastures or to keep wild animals such as wild boar and deer out of fields. They are also used in private gardens, for example to keep dogs from leaving the garden.

How do electric fences work?

Electric fences work with short but strong electrical impulses. When an animal or person touches the fence, the circuit closes and the electrical impulse is passed through their body. This causes a brief, unpleasant pain, which is intended to deter the animal from touching the fence again.

The voltage of an electric fence can vary greatly depending on its intended use. While fences for larger animals have higher voltages to be effective, fences for smaller animals often have lower voltages. Despite these differences, all electric fences can be potentially dangerous, especially if they are not properly installed or maintained.

Dangers for dogs on walks

1. unpredictable reactions

A dog that unexpectedly comes into contact with an electric fence can react violently. The sudden pain can lead to panic, which in turn increases the risk of the dog running away, running into the street or otherwise injuring itself. Such an incident can be traumatic not only for the dog, but also for you as the owner.

2. physical injuries

Although most electric fences are designed to cause only a brief pain, they can cause more severe reactions in sensitive dogs. In rare cases, burns can occur at the point of contact. In addition, the shock can cause the dog to injure itself when trying to escape, for example by becoming entangled in the wires or falling over an obstacle.

3 Long-term fears and behavioral problems

A one-off negative experience with an electric fence can lead to long-term fears in some dogs. This fear can manifest itself in a variety of behavioral problems, such as excessive barking, fear of certain areas or generally unsafe behavior on walks. It is important to recognize such problems early on and seek professional help if necessary.

How can you protect your dog?

1. stay alert and observe your surroundings

Always be aware of your surroundings when walking. Electric fences are often marked with warning signs. Look out for such signs and avoid areas where you suspect electric fences. The characteristic wires and posts can also give you a clue.

2. use a leash

In unfamiliar areas or near agricultural land, you should keep your dog on a lead. This gives you control and prevents your dog from accidentally touching an electric fence.

3. training and education

A well-trained dog that listens to your commands is less likely to get into dangerous situations uncontrollably. Train your dog regularly and reinforce important commands such as "stop" or "back".

4. inform yourself about the surroundings

Before exploring new walking routes, find out about the surrounding area. A look at a map or a quick search can help you avoid potentially dangerous areas. There are also apps and online communities where you can find tips and warnings from other dog owners.

Electric fences can be dangerous for dogs on walks. However, with attention, caution and good training, you can minimize the risk and make your walk safer. Your dog trusts you to protect him and help him recognize and avoid dangers. With the right preparation, you can enjoy nature together without having to worry about invisible obstacles.

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